Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Answers to Phrases

Here are the answers to this post...

Man, this whomps! RECESS

Ridonkulous BOLT

I'm still geeking out about it! INCREDIBLES

Mike Wizowski!! MONSTERS INC

Let's call it Steve. OVER THE HEDGE

Do you in fact have an associates degree from Vermtec?! OVER THE HEDGE

I like to whisper, too. ELF

You don't believe in all that cold fusion mumbo jumbo, do you? THE SAINT

It's coming...

Iron Man 2 is here May 7th!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gizmodo Shooting Challenge (maybe I'll enter one day)

I love Gizmodo's weekly shooting challenge. I learn a lot and the photos are fun to look at. Follow this link for a list of past challenges and their results.

Here are some examples...




Candle Lit

Action Sequence

Blow Out